Tonight at half past nine after a telephone call, I took a swarm in a raspberry bush which came from bee colony in a wall in an old house 20 meters away. The house is situated ”in the middle of
Explaining the starter board
When the super is below the starter board, on the bottom board, with the field bees and with the grafted cells, the only connection with the queen is by air through the netting in the starter board. Thus they are
The best cell starter

The modified Snelgrove board by Pasaga Ramic is an excellent starter board. Where you usually have the broodnest box(-es) – on the bottom board – you place a queenless box with bees, with or without a couple of brood
First Queen

Beware ye old men, the day have come when women run faster. Like in the old days of the survival of farmers, when the women were the beekeepers. Well, anyway my niece (I treat her mother as my sister though
Swarm draws foundationless combs
Larry, the excentric beekeeper in Indiana, shares with me many of his experiences. Here’s one I share with you readers: Friday afternoon, 23 May, I just happened to be present at the beginning of a prime swarm cast from my