How do you clean plastic combs and reuse them? Wooden frames you melt the wax from and boil. Try to do that with plastic combs and they woun’t fit in the box or anywhere else. After scraping the sides of
The first bees in spring

Water soaked up in old pieces of branches is tasting yum yum. Yesterday March 20 in the middle of the day when the sun warmed the ground and the air, 8°C (47°F) in the shade. The first day of the
Spring check of bee colonies
Picture 1. A good colony that has cleansed somewhat after winter. Yesterday and today I checked 140 colonies of mine. I couldn’t reach one apiary with 6 colonies due to muddy roads. It was freezing in the morning but 50°F
Daughter of the feral queen
Karin is a new beekeeper. She got a split from me with a daughter of the swarm that came from the wall of one of her houses, an unheated older, kind of summerhouse. At the end of last summer,